Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Delay

I returned from the Rocky Mountain 1200 yesterday and had good intentions of posting the ride report with pictures over the weekend as I'd pretty much completed the write-up on my palm pilot and only needed to transfer it over to the computer. Unfortunately Randonneuring Adventures call and the Randonnerd if off to do the PA1000K starting tomorrow at 4:00AM. Got all of the laundry done from the RM and have packed the clean items back into the bike bags, the bike is now in the back of the car and I've done my pre-ride carbo loading (spaetzle last night/a pound of bucatini tonight. Now for a couple of beers to relax and get 5 hours of zzz's before I leave for the ride. Hopefully all of the rides can be posted when I return on Monday.

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