Friday, December 5, 2008

Dark Moon 200K - Saturday, December 6th, 2008

Since I haven't been doing too well writing up my rides - I'm almost ready to post the one from LAST month "32.4 miles and a Tornado Short of an Epic" or "Tom Rides a Fixie" (a.k.a., The Eastern PA 204K November R-12 Series Ride Report, Saturday November 15, 2008) - I thought I'd post a "pre-ride" summary of tomorrow's PA R-12 "Dark Moon 200K"

The ride details including a map and cue sheets are posted at:

Basically this is a new series that Tom has created to promote participation in the R-12 challenge. It is also an excuse for fellow randonneurs and randonneuses to get together and ride through the off season.

Tomorrow's ride might be interesting as the forcast calls for temps in the high teens/low 20's in the morning with highs in the low 30's. The conditions were supposed to be dry with temperatures plunging in the evening with snow arriving late in the evening or early Sunday morning - well after the ride is complete. However, one forecast is calling for the cold front to arrive sooner - if it does, and conditions become "epic" I might have a ride report up sooner than later.

If not, I'll be looking forward to the ride up the Delaware Water Gap and over to Hope and then up to Newton before turning south to passing through Traquility and Allamuchy and up over Schooleys Mountain to Gladstone and back through Califon over Point Mountain and back along the Musconetcong river to Easton via Asbury, Bloomsbury, and Phillipsburg.

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