Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not doing to well on postings

I realized that is it now October and my delusions of posting daily - or at least every other day - have been shattered, first by the realty of riding brevets and randonnees in the summer, and now just by work, and life, in general. Leaving the house at 4:30AM to ride my bike into work all the way or 5:00AM to catch the 5:51 train and not making it back to the house until 7:00PM doesn't leave a lot of time for the computer once one completes the other tasks of eating, sleeping, and general bike maintenance.

I got in a 300K over the weekend - in the continuous rain, thanks to Floyd. I rode my fixed gear RV (Randonneuring Vehicle) - and, needless to say, am finding the Lantiseptic medicated cream is a "gift from the heavens" in helping make the commute this week less painful (again, in raining or at least drizzling conditions on most legs.) As long as everyone else is doing it, I'll attempt to write an "Ode to Lantiseptic" sometime in the near future.

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