Friday, August 22, 2008

Look for the Reports

Having returned form the 1000K at the beginning of the month I had all of the best intentions of getting out the ride reports - yes, you've heard that before, but getting up and out of the house by 4:45AM for the ride into work and not returning from the bike home until after 7:00PM, after eating dinner there isn't much time to get the writing done unless i do it at work - and with the time out for all of the randonnees this last few month's I'm still on catch up mode there, as well. Did a ride each weekend, including a great 200K RUSA Anniversary Brevet last Saturday which also limited my time but it DID give me another ride reprort to get behind on. I'll be teaching a bike safety course on Saturday and then its off to another week vacation (with bike) but I'll also take the computer to finish up the back-log of reports. I'm also working on a couple of other items.

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