Sunday, December 21, 2008
WJW's Longest Night - 2008
Although this is generally reserved for randonneering items, I've been too busy fighting the weather on my daily commutes these last couple of weeks so I'll post this item from yesterday. The Western Jersey Wheelmen, (ACP Club Code: 930025), holds a "Longest Night" ride every year on the weekend closest to the Winter Solstice as a compliment to their "Longest Day" ride held on the Saturday closest to the Spring Solstice. The Longest Day is a 200 mile ride and the Longest Night is generally whatever distance the the group can make riding on a local bike trail leaving from Clinton, NJ.
Previous rides have encountered icy, snowy, muddy, freezing rain, and sometimes a nice clear trail under a full mood. The snow storm followed by freezing rain the day before last night's ride made for one of the more challenging rides. True to form, I rode my fixed gear commuter bike 12 miles to the start. This ride in itself would have been adventure enough to qualify for the Longest Night as once the freezing rains the previous night had ended, the temperature had dropped into the teens and had never risen above 25 degrees the following day leaving the roads pretty much a packed slush that had been coated over by a layer of slick ice. The photo is a representative photo that I took on my way back. The 700c Nokian Hakkapeliita W106's 35mm performed flawlessly on the ice, with the 106 nickel-carbide studs doing their stuff.
At Clinton I met up with four other riders and we managed to make it approximately 2 miles down the path before we broke out the celebratory "goodies." The conditions were so slow-going that slips and falls were minimal. One pretty pretty much came to a halt even while pedaling. The only observed fall occurred just after the turnaround and may have been attributed more to a little too much "holiday cheer" rather than the deep snow conditions. On the return trip, on some of the softer, deeper stretches, a couple of us found that we could make better time if we just got off of the bikes and walked. This was also a lot less work, as well.
While we all had a great adventure, and will remember the ride with fond memories, all of us were happy to see the ride end safely back in Clinton and rather than meet for the end of the ride meal at Pizza Como, we all opted to part our ways and head home for some warm recovery fluids. My ride back home was pretty much uneventful and I preferred the iced roads - including the 14% climb up out of High Bridge - over 0% grade of the deep snow along the bike path along the old railroad bed.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Dark Moon 200K - Saturday, December 6th, 2008
We had 12 riders start out the ride and eleven successfully completed the brevet.
The one rider who abandoned, pretty much figured they were under-dressed at the start but managed to use their DNF as a "learning experience' for future brevets. Several of the finishers, came to the realization that, although the conditions never got much above freezing and they'd probably had preferred riding in Florida to the "high teens and middle twenties" that they experienced during the brevet, had they had a warm place to sleep, they probably could have gone on to successfully complete a 1200K in these conditions. A couple are also contemplating working on a training schedule for this year's Iditabike!
Those who saw fit to use their full time allotment of 13.5 hours for the brevet were rewarded with a couple of hours of pelting ice and snow for the last two hours f th ride with approximately 1/2 inch of snow accumulation by the end of the ride. I had my own unique problems - which provided an excellent learning experience and as time permits I'll post a ride report.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dark Moon 200K - Saturday, December 6th, 2008
Since I haven't been doing too well writing up my rides - I'm almost ready to post the one from LAST month "32.4 miles and a Tornado Short of an Epic" or "Tom Rides a Fixie" (a.k.a., The Eastern PA 204K November R-12 Series Ride Report, Saturday November 15, 2008) - I thought I'd post a "pre-ride" summary of tomorrow's PA R-12 "Dark Moon 200K"
The ride details including a map and cue sheets are posted at:
Basically this is a new series that Tom has created to promote participation in the R-12 challenge. It is also an excuse for fellow randonneurs and randonneuses to get together and ride through the off season.
Tomorrow's ride might be interesting as the forcast calls for temps in the high teens/low 20's in the morning with highs in the low 30's. The conditions were supposed to be dry with temperatures plunging in the evening with snow arriving late in the evening or early Sunday morning - well after the ride is complete. However, one forecast is calling for the cold front to arrive sooner - if it does, and conditions become "epic" I might have a ride report up sooner than later.
If not, I'll be looking forward to the ride up the Delaware Water Gap and over to Hope and then up to Newton before turning south to passing through Traquility and Allamuchy and up over Schooleys Mountain to Gladstone and back through Califon over Point Mountain and back along the Musconetcong river to Easton via Asbury, Bloomsbury, and Phillipsburg.
The ride details including a map and cue sheets are posted at:
Basically this is a new series that Tom has created to promote participation in the R-12 challenge. It is also an excuse for fellow randonneurs and randonneuses to get together and ride through the off season.
Tomorrow's ride might be interesting as the forcast calls for temps in the high teens/low 20's in the morning with highs in the low 30's. The conditions were supposed to be dry with temperatures plunging in the evening with snow arriving late in the evening or early Sunday morning - well after the ride is complete. However, one forecast is calling for the cold front to arrive sooner - if it does, and conditions become "epic" I might have a ride report up sooner than later.
If not, I'll be looking forward to the ride up the Delaware Water Gap and over to Hope and then up to Newton before turning south to passing through Traquility and Allamuchy and up over Schooleys Mountain to Gladstone and back through Califon over Point Mountain and back along the Musconetcong river to Easton via Asbury, Bloomsbury, and Phillipsburg.
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