Friday, August 22, 2008

Look for the Reports

Having returned form the 1000K at the beginning of the month I had all of the best intentions of getting out the ride reports - yes, you've heard that before, but getting up and out of the house by 4:45AM for the ride into work and not returning from the bike home until after 7:00PM, after eating dinner there isn't much time to get the writing done unless i do it at work - and with the time out for all of the randonnees this last few month's I'm still on catch up mode there, as well. Did a ride each weekend, including a great 200K RUSA Anniversary Brevet last Saturday which also limited my time but it DID give me another ride reprort to get behind on. I'll be teaching a bike safety course on Saturday and then its off to another week vacation (with bike) but I'll also take the computer to finish up the back-log of reports. I'm also working on a couple of other items.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday Recovery Ride

Haven't completed the ride report for the PA1000K - still digging out, doing the wash and generally recovering with a couple beers after work but thought you'd be interested in seeing a photo of the 19 starters taken just befor the 4:00AM start on Friday morning. It is interesting to see how the faces in the photos change as the day(s) wear on.

Since I didn't leave the Hostel in PA until 7:00AM on Monday I "woossed out" and just drove directly into work. Today I still had some saddle issues but by tomorrow things should be back to normak and I plan to do the normal commute via bike. It will be the abbreviated 9 ,ile bike to the train, fold up the fixie and get onto the train for a 55 minute ride, and then get off and continue with the bike for an additional 6 miles. I'll need to see how things go. Normally I need to do the train for bth legs for the first week or so and then I can again do my "normal" one-way 52 mile commute into work.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Even Fruther Behind

Back from the PA1000K over the weekend and now not only am I tardy in posting my write-ups on the Cascade and Rocky Mountain 1200K's I now need to get the write-up completed for the PA1000K.

For those looking for the previous items Randonnerd Technical Topics, they have been removed from this site and will be posted on the parallel website.